Is Cabo San Lucas Safe To Travel To?

Cabo San Lucas is a popular tourist destination located at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula in Mexico. It’s known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, vibrant nightlife, and outdoor activities likeeling scuba diving, and fishing.

However, a few vices about this peninsula may cause some to back off or be wary about choosing Cabo as a holiday destination. Alarming crime rates and harsh weather are some reasons why tourists’ safety may be compromised.

Is Cabo safe to visit? Cabo is relatively safe to visit. This destination’s virtues, by far, supersede the bad. For a vivid picture of what to expect in Cabo, below are safety tips and more you should know before traveling there.

Risks of Traveling to Cabo San Lucas

Image of an armed guard for a piece on is Cabo San Lucas Safe


In recent years, the country of Mexico has been going through a tough time with drug-related violence and cartel warfare. However, people from all around the world travel safely to Cabo every year. The most common crimes are petty theft and pickpocketing. Most crimes don’t affect tourists as long as they take the proper precautions. As with anywhere else in the world, take basic precautions to protect yourself from becoming a victim.


In Cabo San Lucas, there are a lot of tourist attractions close together. It is very unlikely that you would need to take a taxi from one end of the city to another – but if you do, make sure it is legitimate. Make sure you negotiate the taxi fee beforehand as well. Don’t hail a taxi on the street as it is too risky. Ride services including Uber and Lyft are reliable options for traveling in Cabo San Lucas, as well as taxis from the airport. Use hotel transport if you can. Don’t use public transportation though.


If you go on public transport, there is a high risk for pickpockets. You can be a target as a tourist in this area – especially if you wear flashy items. It is best to just avoid public transport here.


Cabo San Lucas is in an area where there might be earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. It has low earthquake activity and no major fault lines nearby to generate big earthquakes. Suggested action about natural disasters like tsunamis or earthquakes:  Avoid low-lying coastal areas during periods of heavy rain. Take care when swimming as there are strong currents.


Cabo San Lucas is a relatively safe city to travel to, and there is a low risk of being mugged or assaulted. However, it’s always best to be aware of your surroundings and not to walk around alone at night in unfamiliar areas.


There is a very low risk of terrorism in Cabo San Lucas. The city is located quite a distance from any known terrorist hotspots, and there have been no major incidents reported in recent years.


As with any other tourist destination, there are certain scams that you need to watch out for in Cabo San Lucas. The most common is the “grandparent scam”. In this scam, someone will contact you pretending to be a relative who is in trouble and needs money urgently.Be very wary of any requests for money from anyone you have not met in person before. Virtual kidnapping is a big concern for parents whose children are traveling alone in Cabo San Lucas. This type of kidnapping scam is when a call is made to you demanding ransom. If you take a taxi, make sure you pay a fair price. Only use legal taxis, so you won’t get ripped off.


Women traveling alone in Cabo San Lucas should take a few extra precautions to stay safe- as they should anywhere. Avoid walking around at night, and try to stick to well-lit, populated areas. Be aware of your surroundings and always have your belongings close to you. When reviewing crime stats, crimes against women in Cabo San Lucas have the lowest rates.


If you want to drink water in Cabo San Lucas, it’s best to stick to bottled water. The tap water is not safe to drink and can make you sick. The water throughout Mexico is not good to drink and often contains contaminants and bacteria.

Places to Avoid in Cabo San Lucas

Photo of the front of El Squid Roe and Senor Frogs to help answer is Cabo San Lucas Safe

Cabo San Lucas is part of the Los Cabos Municipality in Mexico. The municipality doesn’t have the best reputation regarding crime levels for both locals and visitors.

Luckily, the best beaches, attractions, hotels, and accommodation facilities for tourists are centrally located where crime has been tamed. However, one wrong turn may lead you into unsafe areas where you are likely to get mugged, kidnapped, attacked, or killed.

The municipality grapples with cartel violence, where tourists aren’t the target but could get caught in the crossfire if an innocent person is in the wrong place and time.

Areas in Cabo you should avoid include:

City Center

Cabo’s city center pulls crowds, making the perfect playground for pickpocketing and mugging. There are at least twenty crime incidents reported daily from the city center. Avoid congested areas of the city center to minimize the risk of losing your belongings to stealing.

You’re warned to keep an eye on your belongings and watch out for people getting unnecessarily close to you. Anyone holding a bag, appearing in a hurry, and following you for quite a distance could be a pickpocket.

On your visit to Cabo, consider staying in your hotel for guaranteed safety. Most resorts have safety patrols scanning the area day and night. These resorts have expansive waterfronts that are fun and safe for tourists.

Santa Rosa in San Jose del Cabo

Santa Rosa is yet another neighborhood that’s a hot spot for vehicle robbery, assault crimes, and armed robbery. Most tourist attractions and accommodations are located far away from this neighborhood.

Still, you can fall victim while in transit on the Trans-peninsula highway from Santa Rosa to San Jose del Cabo, where beautiful beaches and hotels are found. Thus, keep your car doors locked and windows shut on the road.

Avoid stopping for gas or when flagged down by strangers on this highway because it can be super dangerous. Wait until you get closer to San Jose del Cabo’s coastline to get whatever you need.

Note that many reported crimes occur far away from touristy areas. All the neighborhoods north of the airport are rural and less developed and are often considered dangerous.

Los Cangrejos and Las Palmas

These two neighborhoods are next to each other and share the same safety concerns. Los Cangrejos and Las Palmas are Cabo’s most dangerous neighborhoods because of increased cases of serious crimes like car theft and assault.

These areas are located close to the airfield, and many tourists mistakenly explore the neighborhoods, thinking it’s safe, it is not. Drug cartels are active in many parts of Mexico, including Los Cangrejos and Las Palmas.

If you restrict yourself from exploring outside the ‘tourist corridor,’ your safety is less assured. The area considered safe for tourists is a 20-mile stretch from Cabo San Lucas to San Jose Del Cabo. This area has a heavy police presence and is well-lit even at night.

How Safe Is Cabo San Lucas Really?

There are some frightening tales of people who have gone to Cabo San Lucas for vacation and never returned home.

These stories typically involve the local drug cartels, which are extremely dangerous.

However, you won’t encounter cartel activity in your resort or tourist area.

To avoid physical or virtual kidnapping ( a big problem here), be careful about where you travel within the city.

Keep your personal information guarded.

Avoid walking through dark alleys or desolate streets during nighttime hours when possible.

There is also a high level of crime related to theft in Cabo San Lucas.

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and purse snatching are an issue.

It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times and to not leave any valuable belongings unguarded – especially in crowded places or when traveling by car.

While crime against women is relatively low here, there have also been reports of sexual assaults against tourists.

Thousands of tourists still visit each year and enjoy a variety of attractions and activities, such as visiting beautiful beaches or partying at clubs and bars.

However, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and stay as close to the resort tourist area as possible.

Things to Consider

Below are a few important things to consider during your time exploring Cabo:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings – lookout for someone following or watching you. Stay in groups whenever possible. If you have to be on your own, avoid walking past dark alleyways or deserted streets.
  • Do not show the locals that you are carrying a lot of money when in Cabo San Lucas. Avoid wearing flashy jewelry and keep valuable items such as cameras and cell phones hidden in public places like bars and clubs.
  • Be cautious around strangers – if someone is trying hard to sell something, it may be a rouse for them to steal from you instead. Do not accept any drinks offered by strangers at night, and never leave your drink unattended while partying in Cabo San Lucas.
  • Be careful when traveling to Cabo San Lucas by car – locals have been involved in smash-and-grab robberies behind the freeway near downtown.
  • Do not leave your valuables unattended or visible inside of shops or businesses in Cabo San Lucas. If you must leave something behind, ask an employee if they will hold onto it for you until you return.
  • Be careful of taxis. Make sure you only use legitimate ones. Aim for Uber or hotel shuttles instead.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when using ATMs in Cabo San Lucas – do not allow anyone to distract you while withdrawing money and conceal your PIN from view. If someone is closely observing you, cancel the transaction and head to another machine.
  • Watch out for dangerous animals – especially crocodiles – when swimming or hiking near the water’s edge in Cabo San Lucas; these animals can often be found roaming around the area.
  • Never leave your drinks unattended while enjoying a night out in Cabo San Lucas, as there have been cases of tourists being drugged and robbed. Beware of accepting drinks from strangers or being close to anyone who may be trying to drug you.
  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the areas that you will be visiting in Cabo San Lucas before departing on your trip, to avoid any dangerous situations. Following these tips will help ensure that your vacation goes smoothly and without any unfortunate incidents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sunny Lover's Beach and The Arch in front of a boat for a piece on Is Cabo Safe to Visit

Below are commonly asked questions about Cabo and its safety status:

What is Cabo San Lucas best known for?

Cabo is famous for its delicious food, vibrant nightlife, and beautiful beaches. It’s also a top travel destination because you get five-star treatment in world-renowned resorts at a fraction of the price.

Tourists visit Cabo to enjoy fun water activities like fishing, diving, snorkeling, and taking water excursions on boats with glass bottoms.

What should I be aware of when traveling to Cabo San Lucas?

It is hot and sunny in Cabo. Bring a hat and some dark shades, and apply plenty of sunscreen on your way out to avoid sunburns. Tourists are also encouraged to hydrate constantly with bottled drinking water to avoid heat strokes.

Also, Crime levels in Cabo increase as you venture away from the tourist zones. Avoid going outside of safe zones as you risk crossing paths with criminals and gang members who will waste no chance of attacking or stealing from you.

What is the difference between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Del Cabo?

Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Del Cabo are located in Baja California Peninsula and are leading tourist destinations in Mexico. The two cities are only 20 miles apart and bring plenty to the table for tourists looking to have a good time.

Cabo San Lucas has the best markets and a vibrant night scene. There are many activities suitable for kids and adults. San Jose Del Cabo, on the other hand, attracts tourists looking for a quiet, laid-back time away from home.

The area has an alluring art scene showcasing intriguing architecture and the people’s culture. This place has a few bars and several museums too.

When is the best time to visit Cabo San Lucas, Mexico?

Cabo is an all-season tourist destination with a lot to offer, irrespective of which time of the year you visit. The winter months are cooler and offer a rare treat of humpback whales at the coast. Spring and fall are warmer and mark peak seasons for family vacations.

Summer is quite slow for tourists because most visitors find the heat unbearable. Most people will travel to Cabo during summer to take advantage of the low flight and accommodation prices.

What to do in Cabo San Lucas?

Whether searching for a romantic getaway for you and your partner or looking for a kid-friendly destination for your family, Cabo is the place to be. Top tourist activities in Cabo include hiking, swimming, skydiving, scuba diving, parasailing, Kayaking, snorkeling, and fishing, to mention but a few.